Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Updated Standings - UPDATED to add Choi's points for M-M-C

Here are the updated standings through Riveria.
This week, Match Play is double points while Mexico is single.
Reminder, next's week's Honda is final tourney of quarter.

1. Lerash-Randall 125
2. Chumbler-Shuart 113
3. Schelke-Kasper 100
4. Lundy 77
5. Bogan-Gooch-Yaroch 74
6. Batzer-Ernst 65
7. Hallwood-Kuzak 50
8. Cook-McGee-McGee 41
9. Bachman-Bachman 30
10. Buckley-Schmidt 29
11. Lyon-VanDeVusse 26

Riveria Breakdown
15 points - Singh - Hallwood-Kuzak
14 points - Na - Lyon-VanDeVusse
12 points - Allenby - Shuart-Chumbler
12 points - Moore - Buckley-Schmidt
10 points - Choi - McGee-McGee-Cook (UPDATED)
7 points - Rose - Shuart-Chumbler
3 points - Goosen - McGee-McGee-Cook
3 points - Casey - Hallwood-Kuzak
3 points - Appleby - Batzer-Ernst
3 points - Haas - Shuart-Chumbler
3 points - Vegas - Bachman-Bachman
3 points - Holmes - McGee-McGee-Cook

NOTES: Once again, nobody had winner. Also, this week's lone transaction has Hallwood-Kuzak dropping Verplank and picking up Quiros.

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