Saturday, September 3, 2011

Updates through PGA

Here are the udpatd standings through the PGA.
The PGA was a triple pointer

QUARTER 4 - Through PGA (Triple)
1. Buckley-Schmidt 159
2. Lerash-Randall 92
3. Lyon-VanDeVusse 86
4. Bogan-Gooch-Yaroch 72
5. Bachman-Bachman 68
6. Shuart-Chumbler 62
7. Lundy 25
8. Batzer-Ernst 24
9. Schelke-Kasper 11
10. Hallwood-Kuzak 9
11. Cook-McGee-McGee 0

1. Buckley-Schmidt 592
2. Lerash-Randall 591
3. Chumbler-Shuart 521
4. Bachman-Bachman 468
5. Bogan-Gooch-Yaroch 445
T6. Batzer-Ernst 369
T6. Lyon-VanDeVusse 369
8. Schelke-Kasper 354
9. Lundy 270
10. Cook-McGee-McGee 262
11. Hallwood-Kuzak 212

PGA breakdown
Bogan-Gooch-Yaroch - Dufner 45, Schwartzel 9, 54 total
Lerash-Randall - Toms 36, Westwood 26, 62 total
Buckley-Schmidt - Scott 30, Donald 26, 56 total
Lyon-VanDeVusse - Karlsson 36, Na 20, 56 total
Shuart-Chumbler - Watney 9, Hass 9, 18 total
Bachmans - Woodland - 9, 9 total
Batzer-Ernst - Stricker 9, 9 total
Hallwood-Kuzak - Garcia 9, 9 total

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