Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How to comment

I have had some inquiries about how to post comments.
You do not have to register, though it's cool to see people are doing it.
To post, go to the "comment as" tab and pull it down to either anonymous or name/url.
You can input from there.
The comment may take a few seconds to post, but it will eventually post.
If it sits too long, just hit refresh and it should be there.
Hope this helps.
The Tribune Sports Blog also has had problems at times with its comments...
I just think it's a blogspot thing.
It can't be me, right?
Good luck to all this week, except, of course, the Lerash-Randall team, which once again is defying the odds.
My pick; Dustin Johnson to win, Phil to place, and a longshot - Bo Van Pelt - to show.
Looking forward to the BARE HUNT this weekend.