Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Updated standings through Phoenix

Here are the updated standings through Phoenix. This was another singler pointer.

1. Lerash-Randall 125
2. Schelke-Kasper 84
3. Chumbler-Shuart 81
4. Bogan-Gooch-Yaroch 74
5. Lundy 70
6. Batzer-Ernst 61
7. Hallwood-Kuzak 32
8. Bachman-Bachman 27
9. Cook-McGee-McGee 20
10. Buckley-Schmidt 17
11. Lyon-VanDeVusse 12

Notes: Once again, nobody had the winner (Wilson).
This week, Bogan-Gooch-Yaroch has dropped Nick O'Hern and has picked up Mark Wilson. I am sure he won't cash the rest of the year.
Bachman-Bachman still in mourning after dropping Dufner and grabbing Vegas.

This Week's Breakdown
Singh - 14 points for Hallwood-Kuzak
Laird - 14 points for Kasper-Schelke
Watney - 11 points for Shuart-Chumbler
Holmes - 11 points for McGee-McGee-Cook
Snedeker - 7 points for Buckley-Schmidt
Yang - 7 points for Batzer-Ernst
Fowler - 3 points for Shuart-Chumbler
G. Ogilvy - 3 points for Buckley-Schmidt

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